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AI vs Human Content: Which is better for Blogging?

Just a couple of years ago, we would perhaps never have had this question in mind. Of course, AI was very much in existence, and several AI tools assisted in writing blog posts and other forms of content. But, the way it has grown into a full-fledged writing assistant has really been unexpected.

Today, we have several tools that help you write blog content just like humans do. Generative AI has made huge strides in today’s blogging world, and people have begun churning out blogs after blogs using these AI writing assistants. But, from a blogger’s point of view, which is good for blogging among AI and Human writing?

AI vs Human content – A comparison between the two

To understand the winner between AI and human writing as long blogging is concerned, it may be worthwhile to have a look at the comparison in a factor-by-factor analysis. This will help us delve a little deeper into finding the winner among the two.


AI Writing

Human Writing

Content Quality

Faster but lacks personal touch and experience

More engaging and personalized

Content Creation Speed

Faster due to data analysis capabilities

Slower due to research and analysis needs


Effective but can overuse keywords

Expertise in SEO leads to better optimization


Limited reliability and potential errors

Reliable with deeper knowledge and verification


Lacks freshness and originality

Provides original and authentic content

Word Count

Limited by computational constraints

Flexibility to vary word count as needed


May lack organization and coherence

Provides logical and easy-to-follow structure

Content quality

AI can create content faster and more efficiently. However, that may take a toll on the creative side. The level of engagement that a human blogger can bring in the content may not be visible in the AI-written content. That apart, it will also lack the personal touch and experience that a human writer brings to the content.

The AI-created content is as engaging as the instructions provided by the user. That apart, it also churns out the same content for a similar prompt for almost every user. That would ultimately mean that – given a topic, AI will create similar content no matter who is asking it to write content. You will never notice a personal touch or creative angle involved.

Content creation speed

AI definitely has an edge over human writers when it comes to creating content faster. It has the ability to analyze data and create content faster, and thus it can produce content faster than humans can do.

Human bloggers need time for researching, analyzing, and creating content. Human content creation can be considerably slower.


From the SEO point of view, AI content can be a double-edged sword. In all probability, it is likely to perform well and show a better SEO performance. The specialized AI writing tools can help you analyze the keyword effectively and focus on important SEO factors such as readability, keyword density, and optimization.

However, AI-based SEO optimization can at times go wrong. Overuse of keywords can be a huge issue. Human writers can make use of their knowledge of SEO to achieve a higher level of SEO optimization.


Over-dependence on AI writing tools can make fact-checking your content really difficult. There have been cases where AI tools have shown signs of hallucination. Moreover, these tools do have a limited knowledge of the current happenings.

We have examples of tools like ChatGPT simply making up things that never happened. There was a case where a lawyer fought his case through research on ChatGPT which was eventually found to consist of made-up cases. That would ideally mean you would need to rely on human intelligence to fact-check rather than depending on AI blindly.

Originality and authenticity

The major problem with AI content is that it lacks originality and authenticity. It is a well-known fact that AI tools are designed to work based on the data that they have been trained on. They will simply regurgitate the data that they have been trained on.

If you wish to build trust among your readers, it is advisable to use human content rather than relying upon AI-generated blog posts. The output from the AI content tools lacks the freshness that your readers may be looking ahead to. If you want to boost your organic traffic, it is always a good idea to use human content.

Word count

Of course, we agree that word count is not a factor for ranking. But, there are a few topics that may need you to write extensive content that may have a huge word count. Humans tend to create content with as much as 1500 words or even more.

AI may not be able to go beyond 1000+ words, because of the computational limits. Humans can use their intelligence to write content of varying lengths without missing out on the essence of what is being shared. AI may not be as efficient in this context.


Content structure may be a little out of sync with AI writing. Human writers can create content in a very logical and easy-to-follow format. AI written content may lack this organization.

Human writers can plan the structure well ahead and thus guide the readers to understand the topic really well. The AI content may lack the features and it may simply ramble with no distinct direction. Creating a powerful Intro and conclusion can also be a stronghold for human writers.

Pros and Cons – AI Written Content

Of course, AI content does come with its own merits and demerits. Of course, even when AI may not be a match for human intelligence, it does have a few advantages.


  • It can help create faster content
  • It can help you save time and money
  • Does not need any expertise to create content
  • Can work with multiple content genres.


  • Quality not up to the mark
  • Professional level prompts required
  • May not offer proper optimization for SEO

Reliability is a huge concern with the AI-written content. AI hallucinations are quite common. It can create data filled with errors and may be passed on as the authentic content.

Pros and Cons – Human writing

Human writing is what we prefer for obvious reasons that we have already covered. It can help create precise information that can be verified and trusted.


  • Better engagement with audience
  • Creativity at its best
  • Best possible SEO optimization
  • A deeper knowledge of the topic
  • Best structure of the content


  • Can take a long time to create content
  • Can be expensive depending on the expertise of the writer
  • May not produce batch content in one go.

If you are looking for generic content such as About Us, Privacy Policy, and other similar content, AI writing may be the right pick. For the more valuable content that is specifically created for the audience, it is always advisable to choose human-written content.

In Conclusion

Want to take a final call on whether you should choose AI content or Human written content for blogging? If you are into content marketing and creating content for the audience, it is always advisable to use human content. That can go a long way in helping you build a brand.

However, if you wish to use AI writing, make sure that you have a quality editor and a specialist who is an expert in checking for the quality and authenticity of the blog post.

In essence, our view on this is clear – Human writing brings to your blog post the much-needed perspective, emotions, and creative thoughts. That should not necessarily be a reason to neglect AI writing. Striking the right balance between human creativity and the AI-driven insights should help you bring about the best solution possible.

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